Selfesteem by Pillowsom
65–80/102개 결과 표시
Language: French
96pages/25.2 x 1.3 x 25 cm
Publication date : Mar 2021
Publisher : Marabout
Format: softpaperback
*Condition :New
Language: Polish- English
42 pages / 290mm*290mm /1.2kg
Publication date : March 2024
format : Hardcover
*condition :New
The spiral is one of the oldest symbols in the world. We find it in many cultures, in all times. It has been carved, carved or painted in rocks for many thousands of years, on every continent.
It is a beautiful symbol of life – the rhythm of life and human spirituality – universal, multidimensional.
One of the results of my fascination are drawings with a spiral motif. They appeared slowly, gradually over the course of several years (hence their diverse styles). Now, gathered together and presented on the pages of this book, they have become my invitation to you to join in creative fun, exploration and insightful observation of Nature – its secrets, its natural phenomena and laws.
The book is published in the form of a block with tear-off pages. Inside you will find 20 portraits of women with spiral motifs in the background.
Language : Japanese
72pages/ 0.31 x 8.98 x 5.83 inches
Publication date : May 17 2024
Publisher : 日本ヴォーグ社
Format : Soft paperback
*Condition :New
Language : Korean
80pages/ 249*249mm
Publication date : Dec 2021
*Condition :New
Language : Japanese
88pages/ 8.27 x 10.12 x 0.31 inches
Publication date : Oct 5 2021
*Condition :New
언 어: 일본어
출판일: 2010년 11월
출판사: 文化學園文化出版局
저 자: 中林うい
페이지: 73pages
크기 : 178 * 198 * 8 (mm)
ISBN : 9784579113286
배송 : 해외배송, 국내배송 가능한 서적
*오후 2시 이전 주문시 익일 배송
*오후2시 이전 주문시 당일 혹은 익일 배송 가능한 서적
Language : Croatian
84pages/ 25*25cm/ 721g
Published : 2016
*Condition :New
You will visit enchanting castles hidden in the clouds, walk through the enchanted forest, dive into the mysterious underwater kingdoms, and – experience the Earth of Dreams. Welcome to the miracle fantasy! Relax and go on a miraculous journey to the dream world of fantasy. Through the enchanting illustrations that you need to complete, paint with paintings and beautify yourself, you will know villaes and elves, dwarves and giants, sirens, dragons, unicorns and many other fantastic creatures.
언어: 중국어
저자 : 玄色
출판일 : October , 2020
출판사 : 北京燕山出版社
페이지수: 153pages
크기: 265 x 210 x 10mm
무게: 505g
ISBN: 978-7540257927
언 어: 중국어
출판일: October 2021
출판사: 中国水利水电出版社
저 자: 哒哒猫
페이지: 79pages
크 기: 210mm * 285mm
ISBN : 9787517098065
언어: 중국어
저자: 匿名
출판일 : May 1, 2017
출판사 : 湖南美术出版社
페이지수: 117pages
크기: 29*21.9cm
무게: 610g
Format : Paperback
ISBN: 9787535679963
언 어: 중국어
출판일: August 2020
출판사: 人民邮电出版社
저 자: 绘月工坊
페이지: 96pages
크 기: A4size
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 9787115540850
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